Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du PrƩsident Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Lokoā¢
ArboroseĀ® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du PrƩsident Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Lokoā¢
ArboroseĀ® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du PrƩsident Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Lokoā¢
ArboroseĀ® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du PrƩsident Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Lokoā¢
ArboroseĀ® Jasmina
Princess Alexandra is one of my most favorite DA roses. This year I finally made the determination to get one and am lucky to get one from Heirloomroses, my favorite vendor. Princess arrived in seemingly puny condition --- with one newly sprouted cane that almost look transparent, which concerned me initially because it arrived two days later than the scheduled time. However, after I transplanted into the pot, and feed it with fish fertilizer, the new cane quickly developed a rose bud on its top, and within less than three weeks, she has put up 5 rose buds!!! Amazing, and she looked really healthy. Today, the first bud is finally blooming --- and she's so beautiful and fragrant. And her baby flower size is already bigger than the Golden Celebration which has grown two seasons. Such a beautiful princess! She certainly fills my heart with immense pleasure.
Planted as a bare root in 1/2021 along with 4 other DA's (Gabriel Oak, Young Lycidas, and Roald Dahl). She has beautiful large blooms and blooms consistently for me from early May until frost. She has gotten a bit of black spot, but is next to Gabriel Oak and he gives me the most trouble with black spot. I only spray copper and horticultural oil, and basically follow Felicia Alvarez's rose care recommendations from her book, Growing Wonder (highly recommend). Her color changes for me from a bright bubblegum pink in the Spring and Summer to a peachier pink as weather cools. Great cut flower, amazing old rose scent.
She survived our Artic blast last year & a couple of hard frost this year. Houston is hot and very humid a good part of the year. This rose was not bothered at all. . Completely covered with blooms! Has been low maintenance. I will get more as soon as they are available. On a scale of 1-10 I give her a 10!
Great fragrance, check. Beauty, check. Holds it's color throughout bloom cycle, check.
This rose is worth having. Upright growth, strong disease resistance (Northern California), and tons of blooms. I am so glad I chose this variety to add to my collection.