Gertrude Jekyll®

Regular price $65.00
Regular price Sale price $65.00
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  • Fragrance
  • Container Friendly
  • Partial Shade
  • Cutting
  • Description
  • About Gertrude Jekyll®
  • Other Details
  • Gertrude Jekyll® (pronounced ger-trood jee-kill) is a very popular and truly fully double rose. Her blooms are rich, bright pink paling to a lighter shade of pink on the petal edges. This very vigorous grower is a repeat bloomer with flowers of 50+ petals emitting a wonderfully strong, old rose perfume with notes of musk and myrrh. Add Gertrude Jekyll® to a cutting garden or collection of potted roses. She can even handle dappled shade!

    • Type: David Austin

    • Color: Rich Pink

    • Fragrance: Very Fragrant

    • Hardiness Zones:

      • 4 (-30° to -20°)
      • 5 (-20° to -10°)
      • 6 (-10° to 0°)
      • 7 (0° to 10°)
      • 8 (10° to 20°)
      • 9 (20° to 30°)
      • 10 (30° to 40°)
      • 11 (above 40°)

    • Size: 5' x 3'-4'

    • Rebloom: Repeat Blooming

    • Bloom Type: Quartered | Very Full

    • Year: 1986

    • Breeder Code: AUSbord

    • SKU: EN434 GALLON

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Delight for my walking by neighbors

Gertrude Jekyll is a delight for my neighbors, They stop and enjoy the fragrance....we often have delightful conversations....
I need a second one! Gertrud.

Teena K.
Gertrude blooms nonstop as a climbing Rose

I have had several Gertrude Jekyll’s for the past 20 years and I have always treated them as climbing Roses, putting a trellis behind them and bending the long canes. The result is amazing! We have people take their Easter pictures and Prom pictures in front of the one we have outside our outer fence. The most joyful and fragrant rose.

Better than expected

I ordered two of these roses. Both arrived in good condition. I planted them the following day after letting them sit in water overnight. They grew well and I even had a lovely rose bloom on one of them. Looking forward to the upcoming season as these should be beautiful and add to my formal English style garden.

Ellen S.
Gertrude Jekyl the rise of a Lifetime

I purchased Gertrude Jekyl 35 years ago
I couldn't part with her and The Pilgrim
when aI moved .
Both have continued to produce an abundance of roses every year.
The neighbors are jealous.
A must have !

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