Unfortunately HR does not carry this little guy any more, but I feel a review for such an amazing rose is due!
So, I got this rose due to it's unique color and compact size, as well as fragrance.
Virtually disease free, it grew in various conditions. I got this rose some 5 years ago now, and it thrived in a planter ever since just fine. It was exposed to strong winds (it currently faces West and it is being blasted by regular strong ocean wind, fog and cold - if you are wondering I live in SF ;-)
I previously had it facing South / Southeast in a warmer downtown, also being exposed to a pretty windy spot, receiving sun from morning until 2-3pm when the building next door would create a shadow. Being a weekend gardener, I am guilty of watering it only twice a week (or less) on many occasions due to my hectic schedule.
Yet it grew and grew and bloomed like crazy!
Scent is very spicy, think traditional rose mixed with cardamon and maybe a touch of black pepper?
Color is truly awesome - very pale opal-like lavender that makes it glow during dusk and dawn.
Aphids like this rose as much as I do, but weekly spray/mist of Neem oil keeps them away and my little buddy healthy and thriving. Other than aphids I had no other issues, occasional rust would appear on old leaves - as I do live in an area where it never freezes, the rose is basically evergreen, therefore pruning old growth helps re-invigorate it. as well as remove old leaves that might have few orange spots. Then again I can swear by Neem oil...
In the end my little friend greets me with blooms and scent that makes me smile every time I stuff my nose in one of the blooms. Do not be fooled by it's small stature.