Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
I live in Connecticut zone 7 and I just received my rose in June 2021 and I am absolutely in love with it's beauty and soft fragrance. It gave me two blooms while still in the pot in my home before planting, I have received a few compliments already on its unique color design and beauty. This is my 8th rose from Heirloom Roses and it won't be my last.
This is the 2nd week and I have one bloom and another opening. Wow
Beautiful just like the picture, medium sized and very soft nice scent. Looks like a painted picture. Some people said it was so pretty that it didn't look real, especially the white color under petals.
I bought three of these two years ago and put them in improved soil in morning-through-2pm sun, bedded with catmint (Walker's Low). The blooms delighted me, but the plants never flourished despite careful feeding and occasional whacking away of some of the catmint to prevent it shading the young roses. Last summer I moved them, hoping they'd be happier, but still they are straggly. Will update if they turn around and become more vigorous in 2023.