Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
I’m very happy with this rose. It’s been in the ground a little over two years in zone 9a. It stays pretty healthy and repeats well. The fragrance is light but the color is amazing. This rose always has buds on it even in the heat of August. I want to buy a second one if I ever catch it in stock.
This is a show-stopping rose with its gorgeous blooms and healthy foliage. I bought two of these last year. One has done well but the other was eaten to the ground by a deer. I'm hoping it will eventually come back from its roots. The color is a deep wine that sometimes has a bit of white near the stamens. I always look forward to the blooms of this rose. It hasn't been a prolific bloomer yet, but it is still very young. The scent reminds me of blackberries with old-fashioned rose, but it too isn't very strong yet. I'm looking forward to seeing how this one develops.
One of the few times a rose looks ten times better than the actual picture.
Dark, velvet healthy huge blooms...A show pony for real.
A fast growing beauty.
Immediately bloomed. Even as small as she is, another bloom is showing.
Gorgeous deep red color.
I'm very happy.