Although I didn't buy this rose from Heirloom (local nursery had it in stock), I feel confident recommending it through Heirloom due to the wonderfully healthy roses I purchased from them in the past. The flowers are beautiful... exactly as shown in the site photos. Pointed orange/crimson buds open to a blend of peach, crimson, purple and caffe latte, then it becomes almost fully caffe latte, before becoming a soft warm pink and finally a pale pink/lavender. The flower last about a week on the plant and have a faint spicy myrrh scent.
I received this last fall and planted it in a large container. This spring and summer it has florished and almost been non-stop blooming. The fragrance is beautiful, but it's the blooms that surprised me: they go through such a stunning change of colors from when they open until they go over. I didn't expect this rose to become a favorite, but it absolutely is!
Wow! I am blown away by the beauty of my first bloom on the heirloom rose I just planted in a pot 2 weeks ago! All of the roots that I have ordered arrived in pristine condition. This one is the first to flower for me. I'm anxiously awaiting the other 3 to show off like this one!! Distant Drums is a beauty!