Planted her around new years and she’s blooming in mid March in Southern California zone 10b. Absolutely stunning, I want 12 more of her. (Photo of the bunch of 4 roses is 2 SS and 2 Veranda Cream, also from Heirloom Roses!)
This rose blooms the prettiest flowers that last on the bush for at least a week - so happy to have it. It is planted in Arizona 8b in full sun. Never sees shade.
I’ve had this rose for about a year and a half - this is its second blooming season - and it is GLORIOUS. Nothing in my garden is showing off like this rose. I’m in the city of New Orleans, so the weather gets HOT and humid - this rose is planted at the southwest corner of my yard - full sun more or less all day. The blooms this spring are too numerous to count, and they are huge and healthy. I will say that the blooms on mine start orange, then fade to pale pink in the end - but I like that! It gives the bush a lot of depth and interest. Suffice to say - even in a place that’s hot as hell, you can have an abundant rose - and it’s this one!