Bolero is a very elegant and classy looking rose. It will definitely upgrade your patio space or garden, It's small and compact and perfect for a pot on your patio. It is a very healthy plant with no signs of diseases or pets. It was also my first rose to come into bloom in late winter. I originally bought Bolero because everyone raved about it's strong fragrance. While I agree, the fragrance is intense but unfortunately it smells like a water Lilly and not a rose. I like sweet fruity smelling roses. Because I buy roses specifically for amazing fragrance and dont have much space, I wont buy this one again. I will still give it a 5 star review because all else considering it could be a perfect rose for some people and fragrance is subjective.
Rose bush arrived in perfect shape. Can't wait to see her bloom in the spring.
And smells very romantic. It's like a subtler rose scent bjt still strong. Floral but still sweet. I can imagine a perfume like this would be expensive. I had one in another climate that still blokmed despite having too much shade. I gave it away to a sweet friend and moved. I bought a new one for the new house. Here, it took a few weeks to put out eight buds and start blooming. I stuck it in a pot and then replanted it in my front yard a few weeks later in the ground, during a heat wave, full of buds. I gave it some extra water and it remains unphased and blooming. 9b California.
Bolero is just a beautiful gem! I have two in my tiny cottage garden. Not only is it a lovely soft white, but the fragrance is a wonderful old fashion rose. It engulfs the essence of the true rose fragrance. I have about thirty roses and Bolero is one of my top favorites.