Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
My first year of growing roses in many years; just a really great experience and product.
Planted this summer, almost killed it but nurtured it back from the brink. Healthier now and still much more growing to do but she has already delivered first blooms.
She was the beauty of the gardens here in central Canada z3, for a decade. She stood tall and proud against the cruel winter storms and laughed at the heavy winds that howled directly from the north pole. She was one tough and beautiful cookie!
Ironically, we lost her to a twister that found its way up from the southern U S few years back. Hoping to replace her with two on our new arbor, if we can.
In the hottest, driest summer north texas has ever seen, the only one of my roses that is thriving and blooming is this one. It's probably got 48 roses on it right now. Also, it has a more cherry hue than last year. It was a deeper red last year. It does grow fast, and a couple of the stems got up to my roof line, about 8 plus feet. It made for a really long stemmed rose.