
Regular price $50.00
Regular price Sale price $50.00
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  • Fragrance
  • Container Friendly
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  • Description
  • About Heirloom
  • Other Details
  • Bred by one of the world’s top rose breeders, William Warriner, in 1972, this rose predates our nursery and is still going strong due to its unmatched color and sweet rose fragrance. She’s what we call “An Oldie but a Goodie!” Heirloom produces semi-double, 4-5" blooms with a petal count of 35. She has deep lilac-purple flowers on a vigorous, repeat blooming, upright plant. She is an excellent Hybrid Tea for zones 7-10 and a customer favorite.

    • Type: Hybrid Tea

    • Color: Lilac-purple

    • Fragrance: Exceptionally Fragrant

    • Hardiness Zones:

      • 7 (0° to 10°)
      • 8 (10° to 20°)
      • 9 (20° to 30°)
      • 10 (30° to 40°)

    • Size: 4' x 3'

    • Rebloom: Repeat Blooming

    • Bloom Type: Full

    • Year: 1972

    • Breeder Code: JACloom

    • SKU: HT388 GALLON

Wollerton Old Hall

Souvenir du Président Lincoln

Teasing Georgia

Koko Loko™

Arborose® Jasmina

Wollerton Old Hall

Souvenir du Président Lincoln

Teasing Georgia

Koko Loko™

Arborose® Jasmina

Wollerton Old Hall

Souvenir du Président Lincoln

Teasing Georgia

Koko Loko™

Arborose® Jasmina

Wollerton Old Hall

Souvenir du Président Lincoln

Teasing Georgia

Koko Loko™

Arborose® Jasmina

Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Sweetest smelling rose there is!

This rose smells so incredibly sweet, like pure sugar. If you have a sweet tooth or kids you want to introduce to the hobby this is the perfect rose for your household <3

Beautiful Rose!

I reviewed this rose before, I think I did something wrong.
I order the Rose in June and planted it in a large pot. Now in August the rose is full of beautiful roses.


I bought this rose to honor William Warriner, I love his roses, I bought the rose in June of this year and planted it in a large pot. The rose is full of flowers.

Cuter than I thought

I bought this one for the good reviews along with a handful of other roses. Just like they say, it loaded up with buds quickly and started popping out roses. It's an interesting sweet rose scent, like rose and something mildly fruity. I definitely like the color more than I expected. I'm usually not into a lot of pinky purple colors but this one is unique and summery.
It began to thrive here in 9b California within a few weeks. Good buy.

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