Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Just planted this in August. Plant had very few leaves when I did and now, one month later it loaded with healthy, green leaves. It's too early for buds and since it's almost October I'd rather no buds show up as I'd like this rose plant to concentrate on it's root growth. However, I can't wait to see a bloom as the pics are gorgeous. Hoping it's as fragrant as said to be, but, sometimes new roses take a year or two to develop the fragrance. . Heirloom has the best roses and the best customer service. I cannot recommend them enough!
This beautiful rose planted last summer is just beginning to bloom. The blooms and buds are so colorful they are able to be seen from a distance and make our garden glow!
Very beautiful rose !!! Big multicolored flowers with such a fragrance! One of my oldest roses in my garden and it is only two years since I start I got it. Love heirloom roses. Highly appreciated this company and always recommend to my friend. They are happy as well
beautifull bloom