I feel like Koko Loko is one of the rose that should be in everyone’s garden it is absolutely stunning. It has such a vintage vibe and the color is so unique. The picture is actually taken in the winter time. It was blooming in the winter. The rose was super healthy when I received it. It already had buds on it when I received it. It didn’t have much blooms since I had it in the shade, but the blooms it did have was stunning! Loved it so much I bought another one this year from Heirloom Roses. Highly recommend!
She's on her third year I can't wait to see what this year will bring. I don't know why but being older, I love the idea that something will outlive me. LOL
Koko Loko was planted this past January in a container. Immediately took off. Many buds and the first rose opened
March 11. The pic does not do it justice, actual color is hot milk chocolate. Hope this rose survives Houston's hot and humid weather.
Koko Loko is one of the those roses you just can’t get enough of. The blooms are beautiful and so unique, It’s always the one rose everyone flocks to in the garden because it’s so extraordinary! It surprisingly does very well in our high heat and humidity. During the summer it gets a bit of black spot but as an organic gardener it’s to be expected. Come Fall, spring and winter it’s at it’s peak.