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Type: Hardy
Color: Pink
Fragrance: Lightly Fragrant
Hardiness Zones:
Size: 3' - 4' x 3'
Rebloom: Continual Blooming
Bloom Type: Cupped | Semi-Double
Year: 1976
Breeder Code: BUC
This has been a lovely, disease free, trouble free rose for me. In my garden it grows more as a repeat bloomer rather than a continuous bloom, but when it is in full bloom in the spring and again in late summer it is literally smothered in flowers. The blooms are very true to the photos and it has a lovely moderate fragrance. I have it planted in a south facing location, and it handles temperature swings from weeks of 100 degree plus weather in the summer, to below zero at times in the winter here in southeastern Washington. The location and extreme heat the last few years may be a key to the lack of blooms in the middle of summer, so others may have a different experience. I would plant another if I had more space!
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