I live in zone 8a and purchased 15 different varieties from HR mid-June. This Paris has been perfect and the one to thrive the most! She has such lovely and delicate blooms.
No other roses have the health and endurance
Update: continues to be the most unbelievable plant in the garden, has had four blooms in the first month and two more buds are currently on the plant. Eventually the blooms open wide to reveal a lovely cheery yellow center, which isn’t shown in the photos! I purchased multiple plants from HR this summer and they are all doing well, but this one is a cut above.
I will update this review once I’ve had the plant longer, but this rose is putting out new growth after 36h in the ground. She was in a box for two extra hot summer days due to a shipping delay, and yet here she is with new leaves from multiple canes. I have a Knockout that I purchased locally that hasn’t done this well after several weeks in the ground. Excited to see what she does!
Zone 6b
This rose has kept blooming beautiful pink flowers from March up to now. This is one of the best roses in my garden.