I have had this rose for at least 4 years and I love it! It blooms in flushes and the bush gets covered in large pink blooms that smell wonderful. My bush is 6' tall.
Arrived with no leaves but the instructions said new leaves would come.
We planted this rose bush about 3 weeks ago and already have buds and a lot of leaves.
Just got this rose about a month ago and it's already blooming. This rose is amazing. Beautiful long stems for cutting. Great fragrance, blooms and color.
As a newbie to roses, I remembered seeing and smelling Perfume Delight on the grounds of the Ringling Museum in Sarasota, FL, and was determined to have my own. When they arrived from Heirloom, and after I finally deer-proofed them with a mesh fence, these plants survived through aphids, rust, and other pests with some careful attention and products to produce at least a dozen blooms each their first season just outside of Philadelphia. And the fragrance is just as I remembered. Absolutely incredible stock from Heirloom Roses.