
Regular price $50.00
Regular price Sale price $50.00
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  • Partial Shade
  • Fragrance
  • Description
  • About Cornelia
  • Other Details
  • Introduced in the 1920s in the United Kingdom, Cornelia is a lovely Hybrid Musk that produces arching trusses of 2 ½”, double, rosette shaped blooms with 30+ petals in an apricot-copper color. Her very fragrant blossoms will age to soft apricot shaded on this nearly thornless plant. Expect her to be a strong growing and continual blooming rose with glossy, dark green foliage.

    • Type: Hybrid Musk

    • Color: Apricot/Shaded Pink

    • Fragrance: Very Fragrant

    • Hardiness Zones:

      • 6 (-10° to 0°)
      • 7 (0° to 10°)
      • 8 (10° to 20°)
      • 9 (20° to 30°)
      • 10 (30° to 40°)

    • Size: 5' x 5'

    • Rebloom: Continual Blooming

    • Bloom Type: Clustered | Very Full

    • Year: 1925

    • SKU: HM472 GALLON

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Cathy A.
Small but beautiful blossoms

I planted Cornelia on March 10, 2022 and she already has a pretty delicate blossom and has several other budding clusters. I live in zone 9 (South Texas).

Barbara I.
Did not disappoint!

Despite my worry that the garden in front of my front porch might be too shady, I ordered Cornelia. I figured perhaps I'd get a bloom or two. Imagine my surprise when I was rewarded this very first year with 28 buds! The first one has just opened and is so pretty. In love that Cornelia changes color with age, too. And while mine doesn't have a very strong scent yet, I have been told that the scent also develops over time. I'm so pleased with my purchase and am enjoying the brightness and cheer Cornelia brings to my semi shady porch!


I've had mine for about 10 years, grown from a Heritage Roses baby. I"ve got it on a pillar, which allows the canes to arch and cascade down. Soft, romantic, fragrant, disease resistant and absolutely lovely. Highly recommended.

Linda K.
Eager to watch my young Cornelia flourish in coming years.

I've only had this rose for a short time, less than a year, but love it already and looking forward to it "growing up" and becoming a focal point in my small yard. It's super healthy looking and I can't wait to see it mature!