That’s my first rose from Heirloom roses and I’m so excited and happy. My Darcey looks so cute and has light sweet fragrance. I got it only a month ago and it’s already has blossoms 💕
I love my Darcey Bussel rose bush! She is in a pot and is blooming now still in November in 8B. She is low fragrance and little to no thorns on the blooming stems which for me are single rose stems. She is more of a pink then burgundy but still a great rose bush.
I got Darcey Bussell fall 2023 and it was too late to plant her in my zone so I moved her to a bigger pot. She bloomed right away even when she was too tiny to bloom. I had her in the garage when it got too cold over the winter which wasn’t often in Dallas. Winter hadn’t even ended and Darcey Bussell was blooming again. I’ve planted her on a large pot as her permanent home and this girl is THE ONLY David Austin that has given me 2 roses already and has multiple buds! Love her!!
I got two DA roses in the mid of November. They did not have any leaves. A month later both roses are double in size and have buds! Darcey Bussell is one of them. I keep them inside under grow lights till spring. This is my first year of experimenting with roses inside the house. Hope to see their first bloom soon! Will definetely buy more.