Very happy with heirloom . Received my roses and they are already starting to bloom.
Warning to not buy bareroot roses they die.
Received 5/14/23 planted 5/15/23. Survived driest May in SE Pa ever. We have had 7 inches of rain in last 10 days as of 6/28/23. Looks great and has tripled in size and has 6 open blooms presently. Don't buy bare root roses from Lowe's or Home Depot, they die within a Year. Heirloom did a great job with packing and shipment of the roses. They also have great instructional videos on how to plant and take care of roses. I wish i could attach a picture of them to help you make your decision. You need to "Break the Nickle" and buy these roses.
Very pleased with this rose. Healthy plant and lovely flowers. Had some very windy weather and it did fabulously. It has been continually blooming.
I bought the rose for a dear friend and because of nightly cold temps she hasn't planted it yet, but it's been beautifully blooming in her kitchen!! The blooms are even more beautiful than described!! She totally loves it!! Thank you Heirloom Roses Family for such beautiful healthy roses!