California Bay Area
Nothing smells as heavenly as St. Cecilia! Cold hardy and abundant bloomer in my high desert zone 5 climate. It has proven to be the best not just in my garden, but in three of my rose-loving friends' gardens as well. You can't go wrong with this one.
I live in a So Calif hillside home. So I grew her in a half wine barrel. She thrived and has the best light pink blooms. The scent is heavenly! Cut a couple of stems and her scent transforms any stuffy room! She takes full sun (108) like a trooper. She's stolen my heart.
I've only had this rose for 7 months, but it has already sprouted a thick cane that has produced 5 gorgeous roses! The color and smell are beautiful, with ruffle edges. I just keep praying for more rain (I'm in CA) so it will continue to produce.