How Our Roses Arrive
When you order from Heirloom Roses, you can be assured you’ll receive premier quality roses that are true to variety, grown on their own-roots, and virus free. Our industry gallon-sized roses will put on substantial growth in the first year and quickly outperform their grafted counterparts.
Gallon-sized roses
Gallon-sized roses are a great option for gardeners who live in areas with a shorter growing season, or those that desire a more mature plant. Each of our roses are hand propagated, grown on their own roots, hardy, healthy, and virus-free. You can expect blooms and up to 4 feet of growth the first year.
At certain times we may deem it necessary to defoliate our plants prior to shipping. You will receive your roses in a box via FedEx or USPS. The roses will be in their pots with soil-less media that is wrapped in plastic to keep them moist and cool. As soon as you receive your roses, remove the plastic and water them. We also include planting instructions on the box of every shipment to make planting easy and enjoyable.