5 Thorny Roses You Need to Add to Your Garden

Are you looking to add some unique and striking thorny roses to your garden? These 5 thorny roses are like the bouncers of the botanical world, keeping your yard safe and stylish. From Rosalina to Robusta, they'll guard your fences with flair and add a touch of 'ouch' to your outdoor oasis!

1. Rugelda Rose

The Rugelda rose is known for its vibrant yellow color and strong fragrance. This rose is a great addition to any garden looking to add a pop of color and a sweet scent to the air. Her small flowers are produced in clusters and are moderately fragrant. With its thorny stems and lush foliage, the Rugelda rose is sure to stand out in your garden.


2. Rosalina Rose

The Rosalina rose is a delicate rose with vicious thorns that adds a pop to any garden. Rosalina blooms generously with clusters of little, bright pink, single blossoms on rich green foliage, growing to a size of 3’ x 3' This rose is perfect for adding a romantic and classic feel to your outdoor space. With its beautiful blooms and thorny stems, the Rosalina rose is a must-have for any rose enthusiast.


3. Raspberry Rugostar Rose

A true groundcover version of the popular Rugosa variety, Raspberry Rugostar produces deep pink blooms that cover the plant from June throughout the warmer months. She has a delightful, light clove fragrance and is very disease resistant. Expect Raspberry Rugostar to keep compact at under 3’ tall but spread between 4-8’ wide making her a great choice as a groundcover.

With its unique color and thorny branches, the Raspberry Rugostar rose is sure to make a statement in your garden.

Raspberry Rugostar

4. Scabrosa Rose

The Scabrosa rose is a striking purple rose with thorns that give it a rugged and wild look. This rose is perfect for adding a touch of mystery and intrigue to your garden. With its deep purple blooms and thorny canes, the Scabrosa rose is a unique addition to any outdoor space. She is a robust, medium-sized shrub with glossy, strongly-veined leaves. Truly a hardy rose as Scabrosa thrives all the way down to zone 3 with ease, strong disease resistance, and drought-tolerance.


5. Robusta Rose

The Robusta rose is a bold red rose with thorns that add a touch of strength and resilience to any garden. The thick canes are covered with nail-like prickles which makes Robusta an excellent fence, hedge, or impenetrable barrier. With its rich red color and thorny branches, the Robusta rose is a standout choice for any garden.


 Did you catch the common thread among these fabulous floral picks? They're all members of the Rugosa rose family! Rugosas are renowned for their striking colors, fragrant blooms, and yes, those infamous thorny stems! Adding these 5 thorny roses to your garden will not only enhance your garden's beauty but also add a touch of uniqueness and charm.