Yarrow: Resilient and Delicate Beauty for Any Space

One of the hardiest plants in the garden, Yarrow can often be seen growing in meadows or along the side of the road. It needs little care to push out tall clusters of dainty daisy-like blooms from summer to fall reaching heights of 8-60,” depending on the variety. Yarrow has many uses such as a beautiful invitation for pollinators, a delightful, dried flower for arrangements, and a great filler plant for in between foundation plants. Expect a huge reward for minimal effort with this airy perennial.

Hardy, Sun-Loving Perennial for all Gardens

Yarrow thrives best in zones 3-10 and prefers a very sunny location. It works great as a groundcover and erosion control in sloped areas. The flowers on this perennial come in multiple hues from muted pastels to bright, vibrant colors. Yarrow makes an excellent addition to patios in containers, in raised beds, or scattered throughout the garden in small groupings.

Planting and Care

Be sure to choose a bright location for this garden favorite that has well-draining soil. One of the only times Yarrow struggles to grow is when it is planted in soggy soil or an overly damp location. Make sure that water doesn’t puddle in your preferred area and that it is not near a downspout or in a low-lying spot in your garden. 

Plant Yarrow in the spring after the threat of frost has passed. Dig a hole as deep as the nursery pot and at least 2’ wide. Space plants at least 2’ apart to allow for spreading via rhizomes. Insert the plant and fill the soil in around it, ensuring that the root ball is level with the top of the soil. Water well until established. Yarrow is extremely drought tolerant and won’t need much more water other than natural rainfall unless the soil is completely dry. 

This hardy perennial does not need any fertilization at the time of planting or throughout the growing season. Deadheading often keeps Yarrow from self-seeding and promotes new growth and new flushes of blooms. Take time to thin out the plant each season if it becomes too dense or overcrowded to increase air circulation and to make a more attractive plant.

Yarrow can be divided every 2-3 years once established. To create additional plants, dig up the plant and divide with a sharp knife or spade ensuring that each section contains both rhizomes and foliage. Replant in a new sunny location to help fill your garden with delicate beauty on the toughest of plants. 

Three favorites for us this season are: New Vintage Rose, Moonshine, and Paprika.