I'm into a year of owning this rose it's done wonderful. It survived the cold snap we had in dfw texas winter. Only one cane was fully damaged from the cold the rest survived and grew no problem. Then it's been flourishing in the heat here. I've had continuous blooms outside of it's dormant season in winter. My blooms have personally been very vibrant instead of the soft lavender. Still pretty and present more purple in person.
This sweet little rose is absolutely beautiful. I planted her in a miracle grow potting soil, in a pot one my patio. Within 6 weeks she was growing vigorously and has given me one beautiful bloom and 2 more buds- after being attacked once by my chickens. A stunner for sure. And the fragrance is intoxicating!
I ordered this rose late last summer, so this spring I was able to see the blooms for the first time and it didn't disappoint! I'm thrilled with how vigorous it's growth is. Especially, after a deer, or rabbit, took out over half of it this past winter.
The color is absolutely beautiful and it's fragrance is wonderful.
I'm so pleased and will be buying more from Heirloom.
Lastly, I bought the Get Growing Bundle to give it the best possible start and would do so again going forward. It was easy with straight forward directions.
I live in Albuquerque, NM and we have hot dry summers. This rose thrives here. For me this rose gets midday sun (about 5 hours of direct sun) and both my mother in law and my mothers gets south sun. All of them do well in the heat. And the fragrance, it’s one of the best! Very hardy rose from my experience.