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Large, cupped, full-petaled 4-5" flowers (petals 50+) of rich dark crimson/purple rose coloring eventually turning to a most pleasing shade of purple with a wonderful fruity/iris fragrance. A strong growing continual blooming bushy plant.
Type: David Austin
Specific Color: Crimson/purple
Fragrance: Very Fragrant
Hardiness Zones:
Approximate Size: 4' - 5' x 3'
Rebloom: Continual Blooming
Bloom Type: Cupped | Very Full
Year Introduced: 1999
Breeder Code: AUSverse
This dark wine rose is beautiful! I am pairing it near the White Light'nin rose...
Great rose once established in my zone 7 garden in the Pacific Northwest, Coincidently, I have also paired this with White Lightning too! I must be on to something?
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