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A stunning rose from Japan that is worthy of any art gallery, French Perfume™ features perfectly formed 4-5” flowers with a high, creamy yellow center and striking, pink edged petals. She looks as if she was gently dipped in watercolor. French Perfume™ emits a heady and fruity spice fragrance and produces flowers in clusters of 3 to 5 blooms per long, strong stem. Her dark green, leathery foliage further accentuates her artistic, flowery show. She does perfect in beds, borders, cutting gardens, or pots so her luscious scent can always be close!
Type: Hybrid Tea
Color: Creamy yellow centers shading to lipstick red near the petal edges.
Fragrance: Very Fragrant
Hardiness Zones:
Size: 4' x 3'
Rebloom: Continual Blooming
Bloom Type: Clustered | Double
Year: 1993
Breeder Code: KEIbian
I have 115 rose bushes. This is my favorite. The color is even better than the Peace roses and the fragrance is exquisite.
I have nearly 90 rose bushes. I'm an addict. French Perfume is at the top. It's May now, I'm in SE Ohio and the bush is thriving and has buds ready to open. It's like Peace but with deeper coloring. Prettier than any of the sports of Peace, IMO. Of course, great perfume. I use winter protection but still, some roses don't make it. This one has done well over winter.
Rounds out my display of roses (22 in all). However, with the temperatures in the high 90s and 3 digits all are not giving their best at present. Nevertheless, In the spring here in Northern California she was beautiful and lived up to her potential; I'm looking forward to Area 9 temperatures again so I may observe French Perfume and Mercury Rising playing off each other with Peace separating the two.
Never had problems with health or production of huge n fragrant roses. Please bring it back!
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