Puts out many babies. I’ve shared Leda with many gardeners.
Very disease resistant and winter hardy.
Thank you for that lovely and descriptive review. It is so nice when someone who has a long-term “relationship” with a rose shares their knowledge and affection. It is so appreciated!
I have had this rose in my garden for 20+ years. It is thorny and its first location was near a path, causing a few scratches to those who passed by, so I had to move it. It was quite large and established and no rose likes to be dug up and moved at that point. I moved it to a less desirable location with unimproved soil and less sun, and it sulked for a few years, with many canes dying. But it has come back with a vengeance! It is covered in buds this year. It is a bit sprawling but the buds and blooms are unlike any of my other roses ( I have over 70) and it has a nice fragrance. If you love old roses, and want a tough rose that can withstand harsh winters and poor soil, ( I’m in 5b Massachusetts), this is a great rose. The way the buds have the dark rose edging, then to open to white with red edging, is delightful!