Peter Mayle™

Regular price $50.00
Regular price Sale price $50.00
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  • Fragrance
  • Partial Shade
  • Description
  • About Peter Mayle™
  • Other Details
  • This deep pink Hybrid Tea offers much versatility as a potted rose or in the garden. He has a strong, old rose fragrance flowing gently from continually blooming, 4.5" flowers. An eye-catching color will draw you in, and his versatility makes him a must-grow rose! If grown in pots, we suggest winter protection.

    • Type: Hybrid Tea

    • Color: Deep Pink

    • Fragrance: Exceptionally Fragrant

    • Hardiness Zones:

      • 7 (0° to 10°)
      • 8 (10° to 20°)
      • 9 (20° to 30°)
      • 10 (30° to 40°)

    • Size: 4-6' X 3'

    • Rebloom: Continual Blooming

    • Bloom Type: Full | Cupped

    • Year: 1998

    • Breeder Code: MEIzincaro

    • SKU: HT929 GALLON

Wollerton Old Hall

Souvenir du Président Lincoln

Teasing Georgia

Koko Loko™

Arborose® Jasmina

Wollerton Old Hall

Souvenir du Président Lincoln

Teasing Georgia

Koko Loko™

Arborose® Jasmina

Wollerton Old Hall

Souvenir du Président Lincoln

Teasing Georgia

Koko Loko™

Arborose® Jasmina

Wollerton Old Hall

Souvenir du Président Lincoln

Teasing Georgia

Koko Loko™

Arborose® Jasmina

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
A Hybrid Tea that can handle partial shade!

This Peter Mayle has the most beautiful HUGE hot pink blooms that are indeed exceptionally fragrant. The best part about this rose though is it's very hard to find highly fragrant roses that grow well in partial shade, especially from a Hybrid Tea! This rose so far is very healthy and prolific in partial shade. I highly recommend this rose as well as Angel Face rose as they have done the best so far in my partial shade area of the garden.

Beautiful plant

I received my plant in great condition with 4 healthy, beautiful canes. I am looking forward to the beautiful roses to come.

Truly exceptionally fragrant

He only gets about 5 hours of morning sun yet he still thrives. He has a heavy floral scent, no blackspot (so far)and the blooms are huge!

P. M.
Peter Mayle Rose

I live in zone 8 North Washington state.
Our first Peter Mayle rose grew nearly 7 feet tall with 5-6 inch flowers last summer 2023. It has the most beautiful fragrance and is the healthiest of all our roses. I love it so much my husband ordered two more last year. We planted them late summer one grew about a foot and gave roses, the other we planted in an area where the ground is sandy it did not grow as well so we will transplant it this year.

Our weather in the summer is inconsistent sometimes more rain or sun than others. This plant has survived it all and while it blooms more some summers than others it still blooms and is beautiful.

The blooms grow at the mid to upper top of plant.
It is a hardy plant and one I can count on giving plenty of blooms, love it!

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