- Description
- About Sabrina
- Other Details
The beautiful Sabrina bigleaf hydrangea produces white flowers that are edged in rose-pink in alkaline and neutral soils, but blue-lavender edges in acidic soils. Bigleaf hydrangeas are native to eastern Asia. Sabrina -- 'Sidasab' -- is a slow-growing, compact, rounded shrub that produces plump, rounded flower clusters from mid-spring to late summer. The flowers are actually sepals. The dried flowers and fruits are an attractive beige to sandy brown. Leaves turn yellow in autumn before falling away if grown outdoors in regions with mild winters. Trimming off old flower heads results in reblooming later in summer. Sabrina performs well in partial sun.
Type: Hydrangea
Color: White edged in rose-pink or blue-lavender
Hardiness Zones:
- 6 (-10° to 0°)
- 7 (0° to 10°)
- 8 (10° to 20°)
- 9 (20° to 30°)
Size: 4 Ft