Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Wollerton Old Hall
Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Teasing Georgia
Koko Loko™
Arborose® Jasmina
Lovely delicate and very hardy. I've grown over a hundred roses and this one is a definite keeper.
Don't let the delicate appearance of this rose fool you, she is tough. In my zone 6, Western KY, dappled shade garden, SF is a winner. Always blooming, no disease and cleanly sheds petals.
I purchased 5 rose varieties from Heirloom Roses this year. Of all the roses, Scarborough Fair established itself the best in my zone 6 garden. With all my roses this first year, I have tried to stay on top of preventing the roses to bloom to help the plant to focus more on growing. I believe it paid off because it is now autumn and I can hardly stop Scarborough Fair from blooming. The blooms are gorgeous and have a very delicate fragrance. To top it off, I do have a black spot problem in my garden but Scarborough Fair has showed no signs of the disease. I must mention that this summer has been fairly wet in south central Pennsylvania with mild to moderate summer temperatures. In addition, we had a horrible time with Japanese beetles but those nasty little bugs didn't seem even slightly interested in this rose. Scarborough Fair has won me over, I adore this rose!
I love David Austin English roses and had two dozen in raised, irrigated beds in my Tucson garden. While Scarborough Fair isn't a typical DA, it was a perfect size for one spot where a path into the Tucson garden met the patio. I moved to Washington County, PA last fall and have to start a rose garden anew. The first planting area was around a light post in front of my new home and I knew that this is a perfect spot for Scarborough Fair. Three bushes were planted to the front and two sides of the post. A clematis has the spot to the rear of the post facing the house. A realtor told me that roses don't do well in this area due to the humidity but the three Scarborough Fair bushes have thrived through a rainy summer and continue to bloom away in September. I've received many compliments from neighbors and know that these roses will be even lovelier as they grow into the space. The soft pink roses and light purple clematis are bordered with lavender. The colors are a perfect complement to each other in this small space.