I love 'Sheer Bliss'. It's a terrific hybrid tea. The bush is upright and vigorous and easily reaches 6 feet. The dark, semi-glossy leaves have good disease resistance, and the large flowers are creamy white kissed with pale pink; they really do look like they belong in a wedding bouquet. They possess a very strong spicy old-rose fragrance (8/10). The long, low-thorned, sleek stems beg to be cut.
And perhaps these roses may be best enjoyed indoors; while the plant thrives in, but does not require, heat and humidity, the flowers rend to blast quickly in warm weather.
Of course, the bush is always producing new buds and growth, and it's always in bloom. And the flowers do have lovely crimson stamens. The tendency to blast is it's only fault. My understanding is that Warriner took a desirable seedling of 'White Masterpiece' X 'Grand Masterpiece' and used it as a pollen parent for 'Pristine', from which it may inherit its rapid opening, but also its lovely delicate coloration. The bush of 'Sheer Bliss' isn't nearly as dense as 'Pristine'; the interludes are longer, so it is not very densely foliaged.
A 1987 AARS winner, 'Sheer Bliss' belongs in every rose garden. A dozen long-stemmed slightly opened blooms resemble florist roses, except they are much more fragrant.
Glen rosarian Zone 7a NE Oklahoma.
Lovely blooms of pale pink and white. Very fragrant. Love this rose.
This rose is stunning. Such a beautiful fragrance too. It's second year. I have certainly enjoyed it all summer and even beautiful flowers in October! Thanks Heirloom Roses!
It is just as described in the advertisement. Creamy pink to pink roses is my favorite color of roses. This one is exquisite.