
Regular price $50.00
Regular price Sale price $50.00
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  • Fragrance
  • Container Friendly
  • Description
  • About Tranquility™
  • Other Details
  • Tranquility™ is sometimes mixed up with David Austin’s Tranquillity. However this Tranquility™ (with one L) produces the most exquisite old fashioned 4” blooms with 60+ petals in a delicate peaceful pink. Her flowers shade to near white at the petal edges, reminding us of Souvenir de la Malmaison. Her elegant flowers are blessed with an intoxicating, rich, myrrh perfume. Blooms are produced both individually and in small clusters on a bushy, compact plant with bronze-red, young foliage maturing to a rich, dark green.

    • Type: Shrub

    • Color: Delicate pink shading to near white

    • Fragrance: Very Fragrant

    • Hardiness Zones:

      • 5 (-20° to -10°)
      • 6 (-10° to 0°)
      • 7 (0° to 10°)
      • 8 (10° to 20°)
      • 9 (20° to 30°)
      • 10 (30° to 40°)

    • Size: 3' x 3'

    • Rebloom: Continual Blooming

    • Bloom Type: Clustered | Very Full

    • Year: 2004

    • Breeder Code: CLEmulti

    • SKU: SH160 GALLON

Wollerton Old Hall

Souvenir du Président Lincoln

Teasing Georgia

Koko Loko™

Arborose® Jasmina

Wollerton Old Hall

Souvenir du Président Lincoln

Teasing Georgia

Koko Loko™

Arborose® Jasmina

Wollerton Old Hall

Souvenir du Président Lincoln

Teasing Georgia

Koko Loko™

Arborose® Jasmina

Wollerton Old Hall

Souvenir du Président Lincoln

Teasing Georgia

Koko Loko™

Arborose® Jasmina

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Jennifer L.
Lovely Tranquility

I planted this rose a few weeks ago and she is thriving. I have had at least a half dozen beautiful, fragrant little roses. They are the most delicate pink color and so very fragrant!!! I hope to add more of there little darlings in the future,

Carrie C.
Beautiful Rose In Every Way!

This was the very first rose I purchased online, back when I knew next to nothing about how to care for them...I only knew that I loved them. I didn't dig the hole deep enough, didn't amend my clay soil, used the wrong fertilizer and over watered for several years. Even under those less than ideal conditions, my Tranquility thrived! She is SUCH a pretty rose, and as the other reviewers have mentioned, her scent is to die for. I've had her for 7 years now, and she is about 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide. I just recently moved her to a pot, so I'm hoping she'll like it there as well. I can't say enough nice things about this lovely rose...Her pictures don't do her justice!

Rachel K.
To Excited To Be Tranquil!

This rose is my favorite rose I have thus far, though I plan to expand my garden in the coming seasons! I planted this rose very late in the middle of a hot, incredibly humid Kentucky summer with drought periods and then very heavy hot rains. The roses adjacent to this one struggled somewhat and dropped many leaves but not Tranquility! It continued to bloom profusely and the blooms are the most fragrant and majestic flowers I've ever grown. Highly recommend!

Susan J.
Beautiful; Best smelling of all my roses

This is my favorite of 12 of HR roses! The scent is old rose; very strong and it's a beautiful rose! I like to have at least one in my vase with the others so they all smell great! Some of my roses are beautiful but not much scent but I put a Tranquility in and wa-la! A beautiful boquet that smells wonderful!!

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