Clair Matin®

Regular price $50.00
Regular price Sale price $50.00
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  • Fragrance
  • Partial Shade
  • Pollinator Friendly
  • Description
  • About Clair Matin®
  • Other Details
  • Clair Matin® is an outstanding repeat blooming rose. Her large clusters of exquisite, semi-double, 5” blooms are a clear, soft pink with deeper highlights and feature a very large center of the most beautiful golden stamens. She is nicely fragrant and one of the most free-flowering roses.

    • Type: Shrub

    • Color: Pink

    • Fragrance: Very Fragrant

    • Hardiness Zones:

      • 5 (-20° to -10°)
      • 6 (-10° to 0°)
      • 7 (0° to 10°)
      • 8 (10° to 20°)
      • 9 (20° to 30°)
      • 10 (30° to 40°)

    • Size: 8' - 9' x 5'

    • Rebloom: Repeat Blooming

    • Bloom Type: Semi-Double

    • Year: 1960

    • Breeder Code: MEImont

    • SKU: SH932 GALLON

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Hardiness Zone: 6
great choice

Rose Clair Matin is my number 1.This is the most beautiful, exquisite, long-blooming, beautiful rose in my garden.My rose has been growing in my garden for the second year and has already made me very happy with its beauty.

Jennifer G.
Hardiness Zone: 6
Graceful climber with charming repeat blooms

Since planting Clair in half-day (morning) sun along my east wall in the late spring of 2021, I have been rewarded with a happily prolific climber that is seldom bothered by the black spot that affects some of my roses. We have cables in four tiers to train it on, and each year its canes get longer to extend farther along the cables. The blooms come mainly in clusters and sometimes singly. Here it is late November in Zone 6b, and still I have a cluster of blooms bobbing in the breeze outside my window. The neighbors on my east side enjoy the view of Clair along my wall.

2nd year excellence

I planted this, and two others, January of 2023, along a blasting west facing wall. First year, she bided her time - beautiful flowers, but not much growth and a fair bit of mildew. This spring she has taken off, is throwing 1/2" thick five foot canes every few weeks, non-stop flowering, and shook off the mildew from a damp spring like a champ. Zone 9, California, and I mulch very heavily at the last rain and provide very little supplemental water.

Lovely rose!

Hard to say what a few more years will bring. This rose had 3 buds upon arrival! It has been planted about 2 weeks an bloomed lovely flowers, small, but it was blooming as soon as
I put her into pot. I always soaked my roses overnight before planting. I. Fact anthing that goes into my soil is soaked overnight, even divided perennials such as Gerbera daisies, etc.
My grandmothers teaching. I am sure it will be ready to train up a rose support next spring when I prune in Jan. Zone 9. Hot, hot
Summers. Water restrition nonesense too! After nearky drowning in rain the last 2 years!
Hopefully heirloom will begin to show customers roses growing in their zones which would increase sales too I’m sure. I have always had good luck growing roses once My ground had been developed after 28 years of trial and error! Good growing, with
Good soil! Start out doing it right and it wont take 28 years! My
eden rose was spectacular this year! Growing up an 8 foot rose
support. It contains it without much effort.i see now they do ecxcept photos, never saw this option before!

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