I got this rose in German, and as always from Heirloom it was, but it was well rooted in it’s in 1 gallon container. I have it in a 3 gallon container right now and after just 3 weeks it’s doubled in size with a lot of new growth and at least a dozen buds. Amazing for such a young rose, and of the 50+ I’ve ordered from Heirloom this is the fastest I’ve gotten this many buds. In fact it arrived with one small bloom that opened a week after arriving and it smelled amazing, another rarity for a young rose. Can’t wait to see what this one does by fall.
I live in a zone 8 and this rose out performs all of my other roses. It is 3 years old and it has zero black spot and no other issues. Foliage from the ground up. It had 86 buds on it at once this Spring and continues to bloom throughout the Summer. The color is a fantastic yellow/orange color with a kiss of pink on the edges which ruffle as it ages and perfumes my whole garden. I hope to plant a full garden bed of nothing but these beauties!
Just getting my first blooms on Well-Being rose. It's April in zone 8. The plant is perfect pale lime foliage, nice sturdy canes. Fragrance as claimed is citrusy, a little spicy clove as well. This is the most beautiful shade of yellow and petal edges a tiny bit apricot-it's gorgeous!
The color, form and fragrance are truly wonderful, but the number of blooms is just amazing. It was a very small plant that I received only two months ago. If it was a horse, it would take the triple crown for sure. I couldn't be more pleased.
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Wine-purple and white striped, speckled blooms with a sweet apple...
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From Scotland, comes the most outstanding, continual blooming rose. The...
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TOP SELLER! Sunbelt® Plum Perfect pushes out tons of intensely plum-colored,...
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Double Scoop™ Lemon Cream is an Echinacea featuring abundant, double,...