I first bought this rose almost ten years ago and was delighted with the lovely little leaves on the rose bush that within a year went from a dainty potted plant to 3.5 feet tall in Zone 7, Renton, Washington. The flowers were adorable as presented in the photo, the scent was as delightful, a soft and subtle clean fresh smell, no rose diseases, no pests, no mold or fungus on the bush ever. I planted it where it would get only dappled sunlight and it grew and bloomed in the dappled shade of gangly pine trees which I am sure are responsible for the highly acidic soil, and she started a daughter bush alongside her, spontaneously the second year. And I moved and regretted leaving them. But finally retired, in Zone 10a, Cape Coral Florida and bought two Mutabilis china rose bushes and planted them on either side of the garage door where sun will be a generous six to eight hours a day. And in two weeks the bushes leafed out and set buds. Thank you heirloomroses for how the roses were sent and their readiness to be planted within two weeks of receipt. My heart is full this last day of 2023. Happy New Year!
Mutabilis is one of my favorite flowers! It is a vigorous grower and flowers constantly all summer. The variously colored blooms are stunning against the dark foliage and the bush will easily grow to four feet square. It can be a bit prone to mildew here in the Oregon Willamette Valley when conditions are wet, but as soon as summer arrives, it is good to go.
Interesting flower color changing and blooms year round. Many people stop and ask me what's its name. Almost evergreen in coastal Washington state z8 and no problem at all. Easy to keep it in 5 feet tall. Highly recommended.
I grow this rose at my house in Newport, Rhode Island. It did not survive the winter at my home in Massachusetts but grows beautifully in Newport on a sunny brick wall. It blooms constantly and there are different colored blooms all the time. They have a nice fragrance. This rose is very different from most roses and is worth having if you want a constant bloomer with single fragrant roses that look like multicolored butterflies!
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